The Problem:
- Did you know that in 1995, there were only 3 wolf packs left in the wild? This is the result of wolf poaching.
- In 1918, 36 wolves were killed as a result of wolf poaching.
- The diminishing population of wolves is deeply affecting the American ecosystem.
- This is because if wolves died out, elk would take over, eat all the crops and die out (explained in detail in Impact on Environment)
- In 2011, there were 10 wolf packs in the wild.
- It was once five shillings for a dingo pelt-five shillings was equivalent to 90 US cents.
- Wolf pelts are worth around $250, but rare breeds or unique colour prices may go up to $800.
- Dingo poaching is becoming a sport as well as a economic activity-people killing animals because they can! :(
- Dingoes are killed horribly-they are killed by being shot at with clay balls (known as hazing)
- In 2010, there were 97 wolves left in the wild when the original population was 2 million
- We have to stop these creatures dying out-the ecosystem would collapse!